The European choice of Ukraine on the way to integration into a high-tech competitive environment has led to the need to form and implement an innovative development model that was supposed to ensure high and stable rates of economic growth, solve certain social and environmental problems, ensure competitiveness of the national economy, increase the export potential of the country, safety and prominence in the European Union.
However, in practice, innovation development has not become one of the main characteristics of the growth of the national economy of Ukraine. Positive trends have been also observed for several years, but they were mostly temporary and were replaced by weak shifts in the economy, which characterizes innovation processes in Ukraine as unstable and devoid of clear long-term incentives for innovation.
The current development of the Ukrainian economy is inextricably linked with investment processes, which is the driving force behind the integration of the economy into the world economy, through the renewal of fixed assets of industry, the transfer of capital from one sphere to another, technology transfer, innovation and management experience. The attraction, use or limitation of investments is determined by the leadership of each state subjectively, in accordance with the socio-economic and national characteristics of the country.
With the transition to market principles of management, centralized housing construction for state funds actually stopped, and the state of formation of a market economy was delayed at the stage of primary accumulation of capital.
Analyzing the foregoing, it can be concluded that the main problems of housing construction include:
- the lack of sources of financing for construction (a significant reduction in the volume of state centralized capital investment, reducing investment opportunities, impoverishment of a significant number of people);
- imperfect pricing system;
- bureaucratic obstacles to the implementation of investment projects;
- lack of equal legal conditions for all participants in the investment process;
- an imperfect system of regulatory and legal regulation of economic, social and legal relations in the housing sector, for example, the legislatively regulated mechanism of property liability for violating the terms of a contract.
It is impossible even to imagine the modern development of our country without activating investment activity, searching for and attracting reliable investors who would place their long-term investments, thus ensuring the stable development of important sectors of the economy. Ukraine has every chance of attracting investment resources and using them for the benefit of the economy because the potential of the Ukrainian economy has a fairly “broad horizons” for its development.
The basis of investment activity of any state is determined by the volume of direct foreign investments and investments in fixed assets.
Housing construction in Ukraine today is formed on the partially market, “mixed” basis of the economy of transition, with the orientation of construction organizations to high-quality and economic results. The present market in Ukraine has not yet been formed, because the stock and financial markets do not work, there are no genuine stock exchanges with their free sale and purchase of shares, bonds (including those securities of construction companies).
Investments in housing construction are always carried out over a long period, in conditions of uncertainty, and always associated with risks. It is known that the risk arises in the uncertainty of the influence of factors of the environment and the lack of ability to implement an adequate reliable forecast of economic processes. Therefore, a rather actual task that faces investors is the investment of funds in projects that are investment attractive.